My sheet has an agent count page that displays the names and how many times an agents name is on both sheets "IAD(Tampa)" and "Archive Docs".
=UNIQUE(QUERY({'IAD(Tampa)'!D3:D; 'Archived Docs'!D3:D},))
=COUNTIF('Archived Docs'!D3:D,A:A) + COUNTIF('IAD(Tampa)'!D3:D,A:A)
The ask is this. How can I do the above if column "H" and "Match A3:A12" are a match? Example would be DO NOT count Jesse when column "H" is Daniel because this NOT a match. Column "A" should be the name and column "B" should be the count.
=QUERY({'IAD(Tampa)'!D3:H; 'Archived Docs'!D3:H},
"select Col1,count(Col1)
where Col5 matches '"&TEXTJOIN("|", 1, Match!A2:A12)&"'
group by Col1
label count(Col1)''", )