I am working on a python script that calculates an individual's tax based on their income.
The system of taxation requires that people are taxed based on how rich they are or how much they earn.
The first 1000 is not taxed,
The next 9000 is taxed 10%
The next 10200 is taxed 15%
The next 10550 is taxed 20%
The next 19250 is taxed 25%
Anything left after the above is taxed at 30%
I have the code running and working and I am able to get the code working to follow the conditions above using recursion.
However, I have a problem returning the total_tax for the which should be the return value of the function.
For example, an income of 20500 should be taxed 2490.0.
Here is my code snippet below:
def get_tax(income, current_level=0, total_tax=0,):
level = [0, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3]
amount = [1000, 9000, 10200, 10550, 19250, income]
if income > 0 and current_level <=5:
if income < amount[current_level]:
this_tax = ( income * level[current_level] )
income -= income
this_tax = ( level[current_level] * amount[current_level] )
income -= amount[current_level]
current_level += 1
total_tax += this_tax
print total_tax
get_tax(income, current_level, total_tax)
final = total_tax
return final
As you can see from the snippet, it does not work when I put the return statement in an else block, I have also tried doing it without the else block but it still does not work.
Here is a link to the snippet on Repl.it
The was not returning because the return statement was missing from the recursive call. Adding the return fixes it.
def get_tax(income, current_level=0, total_tax=0,):
level = [0, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3]
amount = [1000, 9000, 10200, 10550, 19250, income]
if income > 0 and current_level <=5:
if income < amount[current_level]:
this_tax = ( income * level[current_level] )
income -= income
this_tax = ( level[current_level] * amount[current_level] )
income -= amount[current_level]
current_level += 1
total_tax += this_tax
return get_tax(income, current_level, total_tax)
final = total_tax
return final