I'm a bit of a newbie to Tkinter, so bear with me. I'm making a simple game which involves buttons laid out in a grid. When one of these buttons is press, depending on their position, they move to a different spot on the grid. I feel like the mistake is probably a really small one but it continues to escape me.
All code relevant to the issue:
import numpy as np
from tkinter import *
class MoveableButton(Button):
def __init__(self, location, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.location = location
# the function I hope to call
def move(self):
self.location = "new location"
self.grid(column=self.location[0], row=self.location[1])
root = Tk()
pieces = [MoveableButton("location_coordinates", root) for i in range(24)]
for i, piece in enumerate(pieces):
piece.command = piece.move #the source of the problem
[piece.grid(column=i%5, row=i//5) for i, piece in enumerate(pieces)]
The problem is that you never assign a command to the button. You set the command
attribute on the python object, but that's not the same as setting the option for the actual widget.
You need to remove piece.command = piece.move
and add piece.configure(command=piece.move)