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Load multiple RData files efficiently

I have a question that concerns reading files into R. I have a folder with many files that I would like to have in a dataframe in R to work with. What is the most efficient way to read in a large amount of data (over 1000 files)? My code is below, it has been running for a day now and still not all files are read in.

data = data.frame()
  for(file in files) {
    path = paste0("Data/",file,".RData") 
    if(file.exists(path)) {
      load(path) # as file_data
      data = dplyr::bind_rows(data, file_data)


  • You can list all the files and read them into a list. Then bind them at the end.

    my_files <- list.files(path = "Data/", pattern = "*.RData", full.names = T)
    all_data <- lapply(my_files, load, .GlobalEnv)

    A better solution than using mget is defining a new.env to load the files there and then read them into a list:

    my_files <- list.files(path = "Data/", pattern = "*.RData", full.names = T)
    temp <- new.env()
    lapply(my_files, load, temp)
    all_data <- as.list(temp)