I've created a function to exeute a query to postgresql database. I call the function with the query string, a boolean in order to tell me if the query is ok or not and an error string. If I try with a correct query (tested in postgresql prompt) I dont enter in xQueryResult.next() loop but xQueryResult is not empty. I use c++17, postgresql database and QTSql library (Qt 5.15)
#include "SqlDatabase.h"
#include <QtSql\QSqlError>
#include <QtSql\QSqlQuery>
#include <QtSql/QSqlRecord>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QJsonArray>
QJsonDocument SqlDatabase::fun(const QString &i_xQuery, bool& bOk, QString& strErrorMessage)
QJsonDocument xJsonDoc;
QSqlQuery xQueryResult = m_pxCurrentDatabase->exec(i_xQuery);
if (QSqlError::NoError != xQueryResult.lastError().type())
bOk = false;
strErrorMessage = QString("%1: %2").arg(__FUNCTION__).arg(xQueryResult.lastError().text());
return xJsonDoc;
QJsonArray xRecordsArray;
int iFieldIndex = 0;
int iFieldCount = 0;
while (true == xQueryResult.next())
const QSqlRecord& xSqlRecord = xQueryResult.record();
QJsonObject xJsonObj;
if (iFieldCount == 0)
iFieldCount = xSqlRecord.count();
for (iFieldIndex = 0; iFieldIndex < iFieldCount; iFieldIndex++)
QString strKey = xSqlRecord.fieldName(iFieldIndex);
xJsonObj[strKey] = QJsonValue::fromVariant(xSqlRecord.value(iFieldIndex));
QJsonObject xObject;
xObject["Records"] = xRecordsArray;
xObject["NumRowsAffected"] = xQueryResult.numRowsAffected();
xObject["LastInsertId"] = xQueryResult.lastInsertId().toString();
bOk = true;
strErrorMessage = "";
return xJsonDoc;
i call the function from main with
QJsonDocument xResultDoc;
std::unique_ptr<Exercise::Comm::SqlDatabase> m_pxDatabase;
QString strQuery = "INSERT INTO public.tab1 (id,name_id,descr_id,description,"user")
bool bOk;
QString strErrorMessage;
xResultDoc = m_pxDatabase->exec2(strQuery, bOk, strErrorMessage);
The code is ok. Bug is in qt version. Updating Qt code works properly.