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making tabs in react for two different pages

I'm trying to make tabs in reactjs but couldn't do it

what I want is to have tabs between sign-in and signup pages

both of the pages have a separate component

I know that I'm missing something but not sure where it is

here is my code

import React, { useState } from "react";
import Login from "./Login";
import SignUp from "./SignUp";

const Tabs = () => {
  const [login, setLogin] = useState(true);
  const [signup, setSignUp] = useState(true);

  const handleLogin = () => {

  return (
      <div className="tabs">
        <button onClick={() => setLogin(true)}> Üyelik Girişi</button>
        <button onClick={() => setLogin(false)}>Yeni Uyelik</button>
        {signup && <SignUp />}
        {/* {login && <Login />} */}

export default Tabs;

So, what I can't figure out is how to direct the function to the desired page


  • so, this code works well for me the problem of rendering two components under each other was because using routers in the App.js

    after i have removed it, it worked fine with me

    import { Tab, Tabs, TabList, TabPanel } from "react-tabs";
    // import "react-tabs/style/react-tabs.css";
    import "./Tabs.css";
    import React from "react";
    import Login from "./Login";
    import SignUp from "./SignUp";
    const LoginTabs = () => {
      return (
              <Tab>Üyelik Girişi</Tab>
              <Tab>Yeni Üyelik</Tab>
                {" "}
                <Login />{" "}
                {" "}
                <SignUp />{" "}
    export default LoginTabs;