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Calculating distance within a building

I started doing some thinking about creating an Android application that can be used within a corporate building to determine what room you are in. Obviously I'm thinking GPS and network locations wouldn't be accurate enough to accomplish this. (Not to mention the instability of GPS signal inside) I looked briefly into calculating distance via the accelerometer, but it is apparently highly volatile and leaves a large margin for error. I've also considered some sort of triangulation from routers, but you run into issues with walls/microwaves and various other things that could upset the signal strength. Does anyone have any possible ideas or directions to try?


  • How about bluetooth tags that emit a room id. You could make money merchandising the emitters on a facility size basis and they could provide additional functionality such as:
    (1) forming a pico net that ultimately updates the an onsite server with locations of everyone using the app, or
    (2) tracking key equipment with a similar bluetooth tag, etc.
    You could get something similar to the link below in qty from China, I'm sure: