I have multiple dropdowns with the same name and I am trying to access the currently selected values, which are 2-way bind using Angular. I am trying to compare if the currently displayed values are all set to complete as pictured: Validate dropdowns are set to Complete
The current html elements that the browser sees is:
<select _ngcontent-pis-c119="" name="dispo" class="dash-select ng-pristine ng-valid ng-touched"><option _ngcontent-pis-c119="" value="Active" class="ng-star-inserted"> Active </option><option _ngcontent-pis-c119="" value="On Hold" class="ng-star-inserted"> On Hold </option><option _ngcontent-pis-c119="" value="Completed" class="ng-star-inserted"> Completed </option><option _ngcontent-pis-c119="" value="Canceled" class="ng-star-inserted"> Canceled </option><!----></select>
My current code is able to get the collection of dropdown elements but I am not sure how to access the ngModel value of each dropdown. My code is currently:
// Get the collection of Disposition elements
const dispositionsCompleted = page.locator('select[name="dispo"]');
// Check that all Dispositions are set to Complete
const count = await dispositionsCompleted.count();
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
console.log(await dispositionsCompleted.nth(i).locator('option').inputValue());
If your list isn't dynamic so you always have the same number of select elements and you don't want to deal with setting different ids for selectors, you can use the :nth-match
selector to go trough on the list and check the values line by line.
// wait for the selector
await page.waitForSelector(':nth-match("select", 0)');
// Check the value
await expect(page.locator('option[selected="selected"]')).toHaveText("Value");
A nicer solution:
await page.waitForSelector("select");
// get all the select
const dropdowns = await page.$$("select");
console.log(await dropdowns[0].innerText());
console.log(await dropdowns[1].innerText());
// the expect() comes here
Playwright :nth-match pseudo selector