Redis during clustering requires all nodes to be empty, but if there're connected (apps)clients who write data continuously, it's not enough time to cluster, so I need to flushall->pause somehow->cluster->unpause.
Redis client kill is killing but clients quickly reconnect.
Redis client pause is pausing all clients, but for performing clustering operations I need at least one active redis-cli client. Is there a good way to deal with it? Or it requires stopping all clients and then reconnect after clustering?
Have found a solution, originally I was performing script with operations
redis-cli -a $PASSWORD -c -h $HOST -p $PORT flushall
redis-cli -a $PASSWORD -c -h $HOST -p $PORT cluster reset soft
redis-cli -a $PASSWORD -c -h $HOST -p $PORT client pause 10000
redis-cli -a $PASSWORD --cluster-yes --cluster create ...
redis-cli -a $PASSWORD -c -h $HOST -p $PORT client unpause
But problem was in latency on connections, so I've wrapped the first 3 commands and performed in batch
cat reset.txt | redis-cli -a $PASSWORD -c -h $HOST -p $PORT --pipe
redis-cli -a $PASSWORD --cluster-yes --cluster create ...
redis-cli -a $PASSWORD -c -h $HOST -p $PORT client unpause
Where reset.txt
cluster reset soft
client pause 10000
So batch flushes and resets quickly before clients write data.