I have just started working on an older project where there are many Xcode warnings.
One of the warnings is an R.swift warning: "[R.swift] project.pbxproj is internally inconsistent."
In the Build target - Log it says: "warning: [R.swift] project.pbxproj is internally inconsistent.
Perhaps a merge conflict?"
When I look up this kind of error I get to the GitHub repo of R.swift where it seems to be about local vs remote packages, but I must admit that I don't understand the error. And I don't seem to find any fixes for the problem. Maybe this query is meant to be directed at the R.swift library GitHub page, but can anyone here explain the problem?
I am working in Xcode Version 13.4.1
Kind regards
The project was running R.swift version 5.4.0.
I had tried to update R.swift to 6.1.0, but had missed the step of importing the R.swift.library into the project instead. https://github.com/mac-cain13/R.swift.Library#Installation
Now the R.swift.library is added in the following way in the Package Dependencies.
how the Package Dependency manager looks after choosing .library instead
This version of R.swift removed the warnings of XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference & XCSwiftPackageProductDependency.
Hope this helps others as well.