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How do I count the number of objects in SQL Server 2000 and get its modified date?

I need to count the number of objects in SQL Server 2000 when restoring from the database to make sure that restore includes the latest updates. I also wanted to get the latest date an object was created or modified.

Specifically wanted to get counts for number of tables, the number of views, the number of udfs, the number of sprocs, and the date it was created or modified.

    count(xtype) as [MyCounts], 
    crdate as [CreateDate], 
    refdate as [ModifiedDate] 
from sysobjects 
where xtype like 'U%'  
--does not appear to be working correctly.


  • A very basic solution would simply use grouping and aggregating, like this:

      total_count  = COUNT(*),
      last_crdate  = MAX(crdate),
      last_refdate = MAX(refdate)
    FROM sysobjects
    GROUP BY xtype

    This, however, returns information on all types of objects in the current database, including those you didn't mention in your question, like constraints, keys etc.

    So you might want to narrow the resulting list by applying a filter on xtype, like this:

      total_count  = COUNT(*),
      last_crdate  = MAX(crdate),
      last_refdate = MAX(refdate)
    FROM sysobjects
    WHERE xtype IN ('U', 'V', 'FN', 'TF', 'IF', 'P')
    GROUP BY xtype

    Note that there are three types of UDFs in SQL Server. They are designated in sysobjects as follows:

    • FN – scalar function

    • TF – multi-statement table-valued function

    • IF – inline table-valued function

    Accordingly the information about functions will be scattered in three rows if you use the above script. If you'd like to group those results in one row, your query would have to be slightly more sophisticated. For example, like this:

      total_count  = COUNT(*),
      last_crdate  = MAX(crdate),
      last_refdate = MAX(refdate)
    FROM (
        type = CASE
          WHEN xtype = 'U' THEN 'table'
          WHEN xtype = 'V' THEN 'view'
          WHEN xtype = 'P' THEN 'proc'
          WHEN xtype IN ('FN', 'TF', 'IF') THEN 'udf'
      FROM sysobjects
      WHERE xtype IN ('FN', 'TF', 'IF', 'P', 'U', 'V')
    ) s
    GROUP BY type

    Here the original types are first replaced by custom types based on the xtype value. All rows pertaining to functions are marked simply as udf, regardless of the actual function type, so in the end you can simply group by the custom type column and get the necessary totals, the information on functions now being gathered in one row.
