I implemented Rewarded Interstitial Ad in my jetpack project. I used the second activity to show the ad and now I want to implement OnUserEarnedRewardListener. My user can see the last screen after the ad finishes. I find it challenging to navigate from compos to activity and conversely with an argument. These are my Screen and NavGraph.
sealed class Screens (val route: String){
object SMasks: Screens("s_masks")
object BMasks: Screens("b_masks")
object FinalShow: Screens("final_show")
object ProgressBar: Screens("progress_bar")
object RewardedShow: Screens("rewarded_show")
and this is my NavGraph
fun MyNavGraph(
navController: NavHostController
) {
val actions = remember(navController) { MainActions(navController) }
navController = navController,
startDestination = BottomNavItems.SMasks.route
) {
composable(BottomNavItems.SMasks.route) {
) {
BMasksScreen(navController, actions)
composable("${Screens.FinalShow.route}/{maskArg}") {
val maskArg = it.arguments?.getString("maskArg")
if (maskArg != null) {
maskArg = maskArg, navController
class MainActions(navController: NavController) {
val gotoFinalShow: (String) -> Unit = { maskArg ->
navController.navigate("${Screens.FinalShow.route}/$maskArg") {
launchSingleTop = true
restoreState = true
this is my code that when the user clicks on it navigate to RewardShowActivity.
onItemClick = {
maskArg = "mask1"
goToActivity(maskArg = maskArg, context = context)
fun goToActivity(context: Context, maskArg: String) {
val intent = Intent(context, RewardedShowActivity::class.java)
intent.putExtra("maskArg", maskArg)
and this is my RewardedShowActivity
class RewardedShowActivity : ComponentActivity(), OnUserEarnedRewardListener {
val loading = mutableStateOf(true)
private companion object{
const val TAG = "TAG"
private var mRewardedInterstitialAd: RewardedInterstitialAd? = null
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val maskArg = intent.extras!!.getString("maskArg")
setContent {
MyAppTheme {
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.background
) {
CircleIndeterminateProgressBar(isDisplayed =
loading )
override fun onUserEarnedReward(p0: RewardItem) {
There are ways to navigate from composable to another activity e.g. here But the beauty of Compose is in having all your code within Compose, so if you show your ad as a composable and not a separate activity then you won't have any issues. Can you rethink your code design so there is only a single Activity? (which is by the way the current google-recommended way)