Any thoughts on how to get timeslots considering availability and bookings that have been made on the selected day? Get all bookings for that day and course and
var timeslots = [];
// what is already reserved
var bookings = [
{ id: '1', startDate: new Date(2022, 7, 15, 11, 0), endDate: new Date(2022, 7, 15, 12, 0) },
{ id: '2', startDate: new Date(2022, 7, 15, 14, 0), endDate: new Date(2022, 7, 15, 15, 0) }
// what is indicated as free time
var availability = [
{ id: '1', startDate: new Date(2022, 7, 15, 9, 0), endDate: new Date(2022, 7, 15, 13, 0) },
{ id: '2', startDate: new Date(2022, 7, 15, 14, 0), endDate: new Date(2022, 7, 15, 18, 0) },
// selected course with duration
var courses = [
{ id: '1', duration: 30, title: 'Hello 30' },
{ id: '2', duration: 45, title: 'Hello 45' },
{ id: '3', duration: 60, title: 'Hello 60' },
{ id: '4', duration: 90, title: 'Hello 90' }
while (isBefore(availability[0].startDate, availability[0].endDate)) {
let currentStartDate = availability[0].startDate;
availability[0].startDate = roundToNearestMinutes(addMinutes(availability[0].startDate, courses[0].duration), { nearestTo: 30 });
timeslots.push(format(currentStartDate, 'p') + ' - ' + format(availability[0].startDate, 'p'));
// simple output to see timeslots
{ =>
I was able to solve this by slightly updating the logic and using the areIntervalsOverlapping
of date-fns. The draft working solution is below.
var timeslots = [];
var bookings = [
{ id: '1', startDate: new Date(2022, 7, 15, 11, 0), endDate: new Date(2022, 7, 15, 12, 0) },
{ id: '2', startDate: new Date(2022, 7, 15, 14, 0), endDate: new Date(2022, 7, 15, 15, 0) }
var availabilities = [
{ id: '1', startDate: new Date(2022, 7, 15, 9, 0), endDate: new Date(2022, 7, 15, 13, 0) },
{ id: '2', startDate: new Date(2022, 7, 15, 14, 0), endDate: new Date(2022, 7, 15, 18, 0) }
var courses = [
{ id: '1', duration: 30, title: 'Hello 30' },
{ id: '2', duration: 45, title: 'Hello 45' },
{ id: '3', duration: 60, title: 'Hello 60' },
{ id: '4', duration: 90, title: 'Hello 90' }
let SELECTED_COURSE = courses[1];
for (let availability of availabilities) {
while (isBefore(availability.startDate, availability.endDate)) {
let currentStartDate = availability.startDate;
availability.startDate = roundToNearestMinutes(addMinutes(availability.startDate, SELECTED_COURSE.duration), { nearestTo: 30 });
startDate: currentStartDate,
endDate: availability.startDate,
formattedStartDate: format(currentStartDate, 'p'),
formattedEndDate: format(availability.startDate, 'p')
for (let booking of bookings) {
for (var j = 0; j < timeslots.length; j++) {
let isOverlapping = areIntervalsOverlapping({ start: booking.startDate, end: booking.endDate }, { start: timeslots[j].startDate, end: timeslots[j].endDate });
if (isOverlapping) {
timeslots.splice(j, 1);