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Video Upload to imgur failed successfully via using curl

Image upload via curl works perfectly, but not for videos.
The imgur api documentation is outdated does not seem to work with video files.
The video file is fairy small, it's .mp4 file and the imgur api simply returns null errorcode.

Check the windows curl example below.
Before testing the code below, remember:

  1. Insert your Client-ID into YOUR_CLIENT_ID
  2. Adjust the file path of -F "video=@
  3. Requirements curl:
    • Latest Windows 10 operating system that includes curl.exe binary.
    • Linux Distribution with curl binary.

Windows Batch script example.
save it with a file extension yourfilename.bat or yourfilename.cmd

curl --request POST --url "" --header "Authorization: Client-ID YOUR_CLIENT_ID" --header "content-type: multipart/form-data;" -F "name=testuploadname" -F "description=sdfdsf" -F "type=file" -F "video=@C:\Users\Windows10\Desktop\5757578.mp4" -F "disable_audio=1"

Output, video upload failed due to null errorcode:



  • curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" -F "video=@C:\Users\Windows10\Desktop\75427.mp4"