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Trouble converting a Stata command for survey design declaration to R - svydesign

I am working on the INCA3 nutrition dataset. To be analyzed, a survey declaration must be performed. It is explained in this file:

In particular, for the dataset I am interested in, the following Stata command is provided (p. 69):

svyset zae [pweight=pond_indiv_adu_pop3], ///
    strata(strate) fpc(fpc1) vce(linearized) singleunit(scaled) ///
    || NOMEN, fpc(fpc2) || NOIND, fpc(fpc3)

Unfortunately, I do not use Stata and have not worked with this type of survey before. I am working with R and found the survey package, with the corresponding svydesign command. Here is my attempt at reproducing the code in R:


Unfortunately, it is not working, as I obtain the following error:

Error in (function (object, ...) : missing values in `weights'

Is there anything wrong with my implementation?


  • As the error message suggested, you have missing values in weights variable: pond_indiv_adu_pop3. You could try to use a subset of data:

    svydesign(id = ~zae + NOMEN + NOIND,
              strata = ~strate,
              weights = ~pond_indiv_adu_pop3,
              fpc = ~fpc1 + fpc2 + fpc3,
              data=subset(conso_alim, !

    I am not sure if this will fix your problem without a reproducible example.