I usually don't ask questions on this platform, but I have a problem that quite bugs me.
I have a function that plots data from a dataframe that has stockdata. It all works perfectly except for the fact that a second, empty window shows next to the actual graph whenever I execute this function. (image)
Here is all the relevant code, I'd be very grateful if some smart people could help me.
def plot(self):
colors = Colors()
data = self.getStockData()
if data.empty:
data.index = [TimeData.fromTimestamp(x) for x in data.index]
current, previous = data.iloc[-1, 1], data.iloc[0, 1]
percentage = (current / previous - 1) * 100
# Create a table
color = colors.decideColorPct(percentage)
# Create the table
fig = plt.figure(edgecolor=colors.NEUTRAL_COLOR)
plt.plot(data.close, color=color)
plt.title(self.__str2__(), color=colors.NEUTRAL_COLOR)
plt.ylabel("Share price in $", color=colors.NEUTRAL_COLOR)
plt.xlabel("Date", color=colors.NEUTRAL_COLOR)
ax = plt.gca()
ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt_dates.DateFormatter('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M'))
ax.set_xticks([data.index[0], data.index[-1]])
ax.tick_params(color=colors.NEUTRAL_COLOR, labelcolor=colors.NEUTRAL_COLOR)
for spine in ax.spines.values():
ax.yaxis.grid(True, color=colors.NEUTRAL_COLOR, linestyle=(0, (5, 10)), linewidth=.5)
Some notes:
Matplotlib never gets used in the program before this.
The data is standardized and consists of the following columns: open, low, high, close, volume.
The index of the dataframe exists of timestamps, which gets converted to an index of datetime objects at the following line: data.index = [TimeData.fromTimestamp(x) for x in data.index]
Remove plt.clf()
and plt.cla()
because it automatically creates window for plot when you don't have this window.
And later fig = plt.figure()
creates new window which it uses to display your plot.
Minimal code for test
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
data = pd.DataFrame({'x': [1,2,3], 'y': [2,3,1]})
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.gca()