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Function like assert.Contains by stretchr/testify but ignore case and whitespace

For example, I have this test here

assert.Contains(t, "HELLO     WORLD", "hello world)

and I want this to return true. Obviously, I can clean up the string with strings.TrimSpace(), strings.ReplaceAll(), and strings.ToLower() beforehand. Although it gets cumbersome when I have dozens of these. Is there any cleaner way to achieve this? Or can I possibly modify or create a customized assert.NormalizedContains()? Thank you for the input!


  • You could create a func normalize(s string) string and use that together with assert.Contains, for example:

    func normalize(s string) string {
        return strings.ToLower(strings.Join(strings.Fields(s), ""))
    func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {
        assert.Contains(t, normalize("HELLO     WORLD"), "hello world")
        // or you might want to normalize both:
        assert.Contains(t, normalize("HELLO     WORLD"), normalize("hello world"))

    If you're really doing this a lot, you could create a custom func assertNormalizedContains(t *testing.T, haystack, needle string) and just use that instead of assert.Contains. Though I'd argue that's not as clear.