I have a collection called vacancy
with those fields:
"name": "Software Developer",
"published_at": "2022-08-31"
"name": "Tech Lead",
"published_at": "2022-08-31"
"name": "Team Lead",
"published_at": "2022-08-31"
"name": "Software Engineer",
"published_at": "2022-08-31"
What would be the aggregation query that would returns to me two groups based on two REGEXes which will verify a word existence in the field name.
Something like that:
"_id": "Software",
"count": 2
"_id": "Lead",
"count": 2
(all collection 1 group)aggregate(
{"_id": null,
[{"$regexMatch": {"input": "$name", "regex": "Software"}}, 1, 0]}},
[{"$regexMatch": {"input": "$name", "regex": "Lead"}}, 1, 0]}}}}])
If you want the exact same output like in your example try this, but maybe the first query is ok also.
Playmongo (you can put the mouse in the end of each stage to see what it does)
{"_id": null,
[{"$regexMatch": {"input": "$name", "regex": "Software"}}, 1, 0]}},
[{"$regexMatch": {"input": "$name", "regex": "Lead"}}, 1, 0]}}}},
{"$unset": ["_id"]},
{"$project": {"array": {"$objectToArray": "$$ROOT"}}},
{"$unwind": "$array"}, {"$replaceRoot": {"newRoot": "$array"}},
{"$project": {"_id": "$k", "count": "$v"}}])