(newbie here) I'd to be able to save an applescript file as an app to use to open Safari, I cobbled together this from some old posts I found, it's not exactly what I want but it worked ok, however today it stopped working giving an error "The variable theURL is not defined."
If anyone could help me out with a better script that would work on Monterey I would be really grateful. Also, when I save as an app - should I select 'Stay open after run handler' or 'Run-only'? It just needs to open Safari when it's clicked, I don't need it to really open any particular page. Thanks in advance!
tell application "Safari"
tell window 1 to set current tab to make new tab with properties {URL:"https://google.com.au"}
on error
open location theURL
end try
end tell
I cobbled together this from some old posts I found:
tell application "Safari" activate try tell window 1 to set current tab to make new tab with properties {URL:"https://google.com.au"} on error open location theURL end try end tell
A lot (virtually all) applescripts you see online make overuse of try
blocks, which, apart from being completely unnecessary, are problematic in a number of ways, including making debugging more difficult. I'd advise taking out the line try
, and everything including and between the lines on error
, and end try
Without those lines, you'll probably get a different error message, which was being masked by the try
block. It most likely that window 1
didn't exist, which would be the case if Safari had already been running and didn't have any windows open. It would have then thrown an error, forwarded the script on to the on error
block, where open location theURL
then, itself, threw an error because theURL
hasn't been defined.
I don't need it to really open any particular page
Then all you need is this:
tell application "Safari" to activate
If Safari is already running without any open windows, all this does is bring Safari to the front; it doesn't open a new window for you. If you need to create a new window you can usually do this:
tell application "Safari"
make new document
end tell
However, this will create a new window even if there's already a window open, which might not be what you want. To create a window but only if a window doesn't already exists, you can do this:
tell application "Safari"
if documents = {} then make new document
end tell
I suspect this is the script you will want to use.
Should I select 'Stay open after run handler' or 'Run-only'?
No and no. The first option prevents your app from quitting without explicit instruction to do so, which isn't needed in this case: you simply need your app to open, start Safari, then quit. The last option prevents you from making any edits to the script in the future, which, again, probably isn't what you want.