What's up some guys... I am in the process of making my app available in different countries and I am doing that with flutter_localizations and intl. Everything went smooth up until the very end where I actually use the text from the different language files. Basically I'm trying to add the localization text instead of my hardcoded text, see below.
var text = AppLocalizations.of(context);
In my Text widget I get the following error: "The property 'appTitle' can't be unconditionally accessed because the receiver can be 'null'". Is there a good workaround for this? Appreciate any help!
For Text you can do, because the text
can be null while reading AppLocalizations.of(context)
This will show null, if it doesn't find the value.
Or checking
if(text!=null) Text("${text!.appTitle}"),
Use !
when you are certain it won't be null.