IncludeChain = 'All'
)The certificate chain looks like this:
|- Issuing CA Certificate
|- Signing Certificate
The PowerShell script is signed by the Signing Certificate
, but we are not installing that certificate on our target machine. We are only installing the Issuing CA Certificate
into the Trusted Publishers
and other certificate stores.
This method works when we sign our custom application binaries using the Signing Certificate
(we use Windows Defender Application Control to ensure that any applications running on our target are signed by trusted publishers) but it does not work when running PowerShell scripts.
According to this MSDN community post, PowerShell uses Known Publisher
rules, which state that the Signing Certificate
itself has to be in the Trusted Publishers
certificate store.
This is not ideal, as the signing certificate we use to sign the PowerShell scripts is not something we want to ship out, nor will it be valid anymore by the time our product ships.
I understand that if I use a timestamp server when signing the PowerShell scripts, that the signature will still be considered valid if the signature was generated within the validity window of the signing certificate, but this is not our preferred solution.
Ideally I would like to know if it is possible, and how, to have PowerShell use the Issuing CA Certificate
to validate the signed PowerShell scripts. (i.e. Known Issuer
In the case that it's not possible, I would like to know why Microsoft departed from the practice of allowing you to validate signatures without explicitly trusting the signing certificate (i.e. using the issuing certificate to validate it).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There is a difference between deployment and the running of PowerShell scripts.
The confusion is that Windows Defender Application Control can use code signing 2 different ways, for 2 different reasons, and PowerShell has only ever supported one. Windows Defender Application Control can use code signing:
Windows Defender Application Control primary purpose is for Application deployment/control, and a byproduct is that it can do PowerShell scripts as well. Most "normal" applications can run with "invalid" or "broken" certificates with incomplete certificate chains. The certificate was only used to control the distribution of the code and validation that the application was not tampered with/changed, and has nothing to do with the active "running" of the code.
PowerShell, on the other hand, when running with AllSigned
, always validates the entire chain before running. It doesn't care about the distribution, it cares about what it runs. That means that the entire certificate chain needs to be present and trusted on the running machine. Yes, that means that if you sign with an internal CA, you need the Issuing CA Certificate, and the Signing Certificate distributed and trusted by the running party.
This leads you to 3 options: