Below is the euler tree.
According to author:
To determine the number of descendants of a node p, we COMPUTE THE DIFFERENCE between the values of the counter when p is visited on the left and when it is visited on the right, and add 1. This simple rule gives us the number of descendants of p, because each node in the subtree rooted at p is counted between p’s visit on the left and p’s visit on the right. Therefore, we have an O(n)-time method for computing the number of descendants of each node in T.
I can't figure out how the above statement would work on counting number of descendants for a node p.
Any help with example how it works would be great.
Here is a function in Python that performs an Euler tour and uses a counter that counts the nodes as they are traversed.
The counter is printed before a node's left tree is visited, and after its right tree is visited. This illustrates how that counter difference corresponds to the number of visited nodes.
The tree used as example is this one:
/ \
/ \
from collections import namedtuple
# simple Node "class"
Node = namedtuple("Node", "value, left, right", defaults=(None, None))
def euler_traversal(root: Node):
# A single variable accessed by the recursive calls of below function
counter = 0
# Helper function which is called recursively
def euler_traversal_rec(node: Node, indent):
nonlocal counter
if node is None: # Base case
return 0
incoming = counter # Remember what counter is on first visit
print(f"{indent}Passing node {node.value} at left side, and counter is {counter}")
euler_traversal_rec(node.left, indent + " ")
euler_traversal_rec(node.right, indent + " ")
print(f"{indent}Passing node {node.value} at right side, and counter is {counter}")
size = counter - incoming
print(f"{indent} node {node.value} has {counter} - {incoming} = {size} descendants")
counter += 1 # Add 1 for the current node
# Start the traversal
euler_traversal_rec(root, "")
# Demo tree
root = Node("B",
This program generates this output:
Passing node B at left side, and counter is 0
Passing node A at left side, and counter is 0
Passing node A at right side, and counter is 0 node A has 0 - 0 = 0 descendants
Passing node D at left side, and counter is 1
Passing node C at left side, and counter is 1
Passing node C at right side, and counter is 1 node C has 1 - 1 = 0 descendants
Passing node E at left side, and counter is 2
Passing node E at right side, and counter is 2 node E has 2 - 2 = 0 descendants
Passing node D at right side, and counter is 3 node D has 3 - 1 = 2 descendants
Passing node B at right side, and counter is 4 node B has 4 - 0 = 4 descendants