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Replace the values of one column with values of another column in R dplyr

I have a data frame that looks like this. I want inside the dplyr pipeline to replace only the 7 first rows of the threshold column with the values that come from the manufacturer column.


mpg %>% 
  arrange(cty) %>% 
  mutate(threshold=NA) %>% 
  select(manufacturer,cty, threshold)
#> # A tibble: 234 × 3
#>    manufacturer   cty threshold
#>    <chr>        <int> <lgl>    
#>  1 dodge            9 NA       
#>  2 dodge            9 NA       
#>  3 dodge            9 NA       
#>  4 dodge            9 NA       
#>  5 jeep             9 NA       
#>  6 chevrolet       11 NA       
#>  7 chevrolet       11 NA       
#>  8 chevrolet       11 NA       
#>  9 dodge           11 NA       
#> 10 dodge           11 NA       
#> # … with 224 more rows

Created on 2022-08-31 with reprex v2.0.2

I want my data to look like this

#>    manufacturer   cty threshold
#>    <chr>        <int> <lgl>    
#>  1 dodge            9 dodge      
#>  2 dodge            9 dodge       
#>  3 dodge            9 dodge       
#>  4 dodge            9 dodge      
#>  5 jeep             9 jeep      
#>  6 chevrolet       11 chevrolet        
#>  7 chevrolet       11 chevrolet       
#>  8 chevrolet       11 NA       
#>  9 dodge           11 NA       
#> 10 dodge           11 NA  

any help and guidance as always are highly appreciated


  • USe case_when to create a logical condition with row_number() for replacement. In addition, there is no need to create a blank column i.e. the NAs can be filled by default in case_when

    mpg %>% 
      arrange(cty) %>%   
      select(manufacturer, cty) %>% 
      mutate(threshold = case_when(row_number() < 7 ~manufacturer))


    # A tibble: 234 × 3
       manufacturer   cty threshold
       <chr>        <int> <chr>    
     1 dodge            9 dodge    
     2 dodge            9 dodge    
     3 dodge            9 dodge    
     4 dodge            9 dodge    
     5 jeep             9 jeep     
     6 chevrolet       11 chevrolet
     7 chevrolet       11 <NA>     
     8 chevrolet       11 <NA>     
     9 dodge           11 <NA>     
    10 dodge           11 <NA>     
    # … with 224 more rows