I wish to do calculations on elements of a vector using Rcpp, but the vector is getting so large (~60 GB) that I'm resorting to memory mapping it using the mmap package, but now it's the wrong type for my Rcpp function. Can this be overcome?
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double testRcpp(NumericVector input, int index) {
return input(index);
/*** R
bigvector1 <- seq(0,1,1e-6)
bigvector2 <- mmap("test.bin",mode=double())
testRcpp(bigvector2,3) #"Not compatible with requested type: [type=environment; target=double]"
Since the mmap
function in r returns an object with type=environment write bigvector2[]
instead of bigvector2
to use its elements. Basically replace
If you want to try using mmap in the cpp part of Rcpp in windows you can use my repo from https://github.com/CoderRC/libmingw32_extended .