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How to create a Progress Bar in Qml with slant lines?

enter image description here

Hello ,

I am looking for some solution to create a progress bar in qml having slant lines.

I dont having any snippet to share here, as I am not aware how to do so.

Can anyone please guide ??


  • Yet another solution.

    enter image description here

    ProgressBar {
        id: control
        property color contentItemColor: "white"
        property color backgroundColor: "yellow"
        property color borderColor: "red"
        property int borderWidth: 1
        property color stripColor: "green"
        property int stripGap: 10
        property int stripWidth: 2
        property color indicatorColor: "red"
        property int indicatorWidth: 2
        property int indicatorRadius: 0
        property int indicatorExtend: 0
        value: 0.5
        width: 600
        height: 80
        background: Rectangle {
            color: control.backgroundColor
            border.width: control.borderWidth
            border.color: control.borderColor
            Canvas {
                x: control.borderWidth
                y: control.borderWidth
                width: control.width - (2 * control.borderWidth)
                height: control.height - (2 * control.borderWidth)
                onPaint: {
                    var ctx = getContext("2d");
                    ctx.strokeStyle = control.stripColor
                    ctx.lineWidth = control.stripWidth
                    ctx.lineCap = "square"
                    var p1, p2
                    let n = Math.ceil((control.width + control.height) / (control.stripGap)) + 1
                    for (let i = 0; i != n; ++i) {
                        let p = i * control.stripGap
                        p1 = Qt.vector2d(p - control.height, 0)
                        p2 = Qt.vector2d(p, control.height)
                        ctx.moveTo(p1.x, p1.y)
                        ctx.lineTo(p2.x, p2.y)
        contentItem: Item {
            Rectangle {
                anchors.fill: parent
                anchors.margins: control.borderWidth
                anchors.leftMargin: Math.max(control.borderWidth,
                                             control.visualPosition * control.width)
                color: control.contentItemColor
            Rectangle {
                x: control.visualPosition * control.width - (control.indicatorWidth / 2)
                y: -control.indicatorExtend
                width: control.indicatorWidth
                height: control.height + (2 * control.indicatorExtend)
                color: control.indicatorColor
                radius: control.indicatorRadius
                visible: control.visualPosition > 0.0 && control.visualPosition < 1.0