I have a select statement with a distinct count and I need to divide the result of the select count with a number . How can I do it? I have for example:
select distinct count(profile_entity_name)
from table_name
where visit_id like 'JWM%' and profile_entity_name not in ('JWM 2.0 COM','JWM 2.0 MASTER')
and it gives the result 2000 I want to divide the 2000 with 130 for example on the fly
How can I do it? I tried the whole select with the division at the end '/130' and it doesn't work
As an complement to Md. Suman Kabir's Answer, if you want the select to return the exact division, just cast the "count" function and the divisor number as float, like this:
select cast(count(distinct profile_entity_name) as float) / cast(130 as float) from table_name