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Customised Assertion in R

I have an excel sheet dataframe which contains 22 columns and multiple rows depends upon the output. There is one column named (let's say) column_1. Now I want to test this whole sheet using asserts but there is a condition, if column_1 has a specific value 1 in any of it's row (let's say row 4), the assertion I wrote won't run for that whole row for all 22 columns, otherwise it will run the assertions for each column as usual.

Dummy Data:

column_1 | column_2 | column_3
NA | "House" | 12
NA | "Plot" | 34
NA | "Office" | 90
1 | "Villa" | 1008

Raw Logic

if (excel_sheet[["column_1"]] == "1") {

    # the assertion will **not** run for that specific row

} else {

    # the assertion will run for that specific row

    assert_numeric(x = excel_sheet[["column_1"]], any.missing = T, lower = 1, upper = 1)
    assert_numeric(x = excel_sheet[["column_2"]], any.missing = F, lower = 0, upper = 1)
    assert_numeric(x = excel_sheet[["column_3"]], any.missing = F)
    assert_character(x = excel_sheet[["column_4"]], any.missing = F)



  • not familiar with the checkmate package and it's functions. But if I read the question correctly you want to

    1. check for one specific column if it doesn't have a certain value.
    2. if this is the case run the rest of your code.

    taken the provided code it should be doable with a for loop:

    for (i in excel_sheet$column_1){
      if(i != 1){
           # comment
        assert_numeric(x = i, any.missing = T, lower = 1, upper = 1)
        assert_numeric(x = i, any.missing = F, lower = 0, upper = 1)
        assert_numeric(x = i, any.missing = F)
        assert_character(x = i, any.missing = F)


    1. be aware that comments need to be typed with a '#' not double slashes
    2. as I read your code and my answer, it looks to me like the code will only focus on the specific cell i and not the row, do you want to change/assert a cell or the row?