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ViewCompat.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener is only called on some devices?

I'm trying to display my app edge-to-edge but results are not even consistent across devices. ViewCompat.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener is called on Pixel 4a/5 but not on Pixel 3 XL and Essential PH-1, the app just draws behind the status bar when I try to set padding (with or without android:fitsSystemWindow="true"). I suspect it's because of the notch (edge-to-edge doesn't work on Pixel 3 XL and Essential PH-1). I'm also using CoordinatorLayout, DrawerLayout, etc, so there's the whole fitsSystemWindow thing. I can't seem to get it to work no matter what. Watched a couple of Chris Banes' presentations but I'm still clueless.


  • Could this problem be related to Display Cutoffs? Pixel 4a/5 have cutoffs whereas Pixel 3 doesn't.

    From class

    * Returns the display cutout if there is one.
    * Note: the display cutout will already be consumed during dispatch to *View.onApplyWindowInsets, unless the window has requested a WindowManager.LayoutParams.layoutInDisplayCutoutMode other than never or default.
    * Returns:
    * the display cutout or null if there is none
    * See Also:
    * DisplayCutout
    public DisplayCutout getDisplayCutout() {
        return mDisplayCutout;