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Difference between drawing using Gnuplot and OriginLab

I have two data files, qebands.agr and ex1_band.dat. When I plot them using OriginLab I got directly this figure:

enter image description here

On the other hand, someone used Gnuplot with the following script:

set xtics nomirr
set x2tics
set xrange [*:*] noextend
set x2range [*:*] noextend
plot 'qebands.agr' w l, 'ex1_band.dat' axes x2y1 w l

and get:

enter image description here

I haven't used Gnuplot before. Could anyone tell me why the two figures are different? i.e., why the scale the x-axis is different in both figures?


  • Depending on which image is the desired one...

    Remove axes x2y1 in the second part of the gnuplot command and you will get a similar plot as the Origin one.

    You are explicitly specifying that 'ex1_band.dat' is plotted to axes x2y1 (x2 = top x-axis, y1 = left y-axis). Per default, gnuplot autoscales both x-axes independently, unless you link them (check help link).

    Origin is plotting both files relative to x1y1 axes.