I couldnt understand how to fill something like this by my own values without gps connection:
val lastLocation: Location? = Location()
When we input provider like this:
val lastLocation: Location? = Location(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER)
lastLocation values are null.
On the one hand Location() has its own constructor(as I understand) and even method set(), but l I can't figure out how to fill it with my own values.
Maybe someone can show an example or provide a useful link?
Here is the most convenient way in order to fill your data, that I have found:
lastLocation: Location? = Location(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER).apply {
latitude = 56.491232323
longitude = 84.973284721
speed = 12.2f
altitude = 86.4
accuracy = 11.1f
bearing = 90.0f
bearingAccuracyDegrees = 1.42f