My goal is to get the list of sites with their web URL from REST API. I created one application in my tenant by granting it SharePoint API permissions.
I received the access token with client_credentials flow:
client_id - 3affdc0e-04b4-495f-9346-7f5beda9c5ce,
grant_type - client_credentials,
client_secret - xxxxxx,
scope - https://< mytenant >
But the issue is when I use that token to call the API. When I pass the Bearer token to call API, it's giving 401 unauthorized error like this:
{ 'error': { 'code': 'InvalidAuthenticationToken', 'message': 'Access token validation failure. Invalid Audience. ' } }
I think I messed up somewhere but don't know where in particular. Can anyone help me out?
But if I call the same in Microsoft Graph, I'm getting what I want which is very strange.
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment via Postman and got the below results:
I created an Azure AD application and granted SharePoint permissions like this:
I generated the access token with same parameters as you like below:
When I tried to get the list of sites with their web URLs using below query, I got the same error:
To resolve the error, you need to do changes like below:
Make sure to grant API permissions for Microsoft Graph instead of SharePoint like below:
Change the scope as
to get access token like below:
Using the above token, I got the list of sites with their web URLs successfully like below: