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Why \dt isn't showing the table? (PostgreSQL)

tried a lot, but it seems impossible now to list down the table seeking for help badly

below is cmnds followed by the issue

logicsoft-internship::DATABASE=> \dn
       List of schemas
    Name    |     Owner
 heroku_ext | u8q98eik4pd35o
 public     | grmgsmxgscmlmc
(2 rows)

logicsoft-internship::DATABASE=> \dt
Did not find any relations.
logicsoft-internship::DATABASE=> \dt dauokokqc98tl4
Did not find any relation named "dauokokqc98tl4".
logicsoft-internship::DATABASE=> \dt dauokokqc98tl4.public
Did not find any relation named "dauokokqc98tl4.public"


  • As documented in the manual \dn shows a list of schemas (=namespace).

    To show the tables in a specific schema (namespace), you need to provide a wildcard with the schema name - you used the owner which is something completely different.

    \dt heroku_ext.*
    \dt public.*