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Python SSH connection won't run specific commands on Linux machine

I think this can be useful for others.

I have a python script that should run some .sh scripts on a linux machine where I can connect only using SSH.
The problem is that the python script gets stuck when I try to run a .sh script but I can run multiple other commands like: cd, rm, mv, cp, ls
The code below was my first try:

    client = SSHClient()
    client.connect("myHost", username="myUsername", key_filename="SSH_Key_Location")
    stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command("/ -h")
    print(f'STDOUT: {"utf8")}')
    print(f'STDERR: {"utf8")}')

I also tried with SSHLibrary and also tried different .sh scripts on the machine (even some test scripts containg only echo "test") but none of them worked.

A strange thing was that using Cygwin to connect using SSH I was able to run those scripts manually without a problem.


  • So after some research I've found that running the .sh scripts required a password, that I was not providing. The same behavior would appear for any kind of input you need to provide after the commands you sent are executed (like: y/n, paths, etc).

    So there remains the strange thing, why it asks for a password using the Python SSH connection but not in Cygwin. It looks like connecting through Cygwin would create a session that doesn't require the password for certain actions, but using Python (SSHLibrary or Paramiko) would create a session a little bit different and therefor a password is required (depends on the configurations on the machine) - Strange settings from the IT guys

    So the code above becomes the following and it works perfectly (please notice using the line. Looks like if you don't shutdown that channel, the input you send using write() will not actually be sent):

     client = SSHClient()
     client.connect("myHost", username="myUsername", key_filename="SSH_Key_Location")
     stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command("/ -h")
     stdin.write("yourAdditionalInfo\n") # Don't forget about the \n; This line can be used multiple times, to send multiple lines
     stdin.flush() #! This is really important. Without closing the write channel, the lines sent with **write** will not have effect
     print(f'STDOUT: {"utf8")}')
     print(f'STDERR: {"utf8")}')