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how to change response type in _dio.fetch when using dio/retrofit?

I use dio, retrofit to manage api connections. Codes related to annotations and build_runner are generated.

My problem: I receive a list of data in the response. The code that is generated is different from the code that I need. There is a section in the generated code that contains this text.

final _result = await _dio.fetch<Map<String, dynamic>>(_setStreamType<

And the code I need is like this.

final _result = await _dio.fetch<List<dynamic>>(_setStreamType<
  • When i manually edit Map<String, dynamic> to List<‍dynamic> my code working fine And I need something like annotion or etc doing automatically will be resolved this problem .

This is my code snippet:

@RestApi(baseUrl: BuildConfig.SERVER)
abstract class GetApiService {
  factory GetApiService(Dio dio,{String baseUrl}) = _GetApiService;
  Future<HttpResponse<ResponseList>> getDashboardHomeResponse();

Sample my response received:



  • I resoleve problem.

    The type of data that you give to the http response must be of the List type. so that your dio response is List<‌‍dynamic>.

    otherwise , the response generator will return a Map<String, dynamic> type.

    My mistake was in passing the data type to HttpResponse.

    My class model passing to HttpResponse has a list type variable , but I have to create the class model individually.

    This is my edited code snippet:

    @RestApi(baseUrl: BuildConfig.SERVER)
    abstract class GetApiService {
      factory GetApiService(Dio dio,{String baseUrl}) = _GetApiService;
      Future<HttpResponse<List<ResponseItem>>> getDashboardHomeResponse(); ///Pay attention to the type , Type is List!