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nextcord py parameter on_raw_message_delete

I use on_raw_message_delete and i want to print the name of the person who deleted the message. I can print the deleted message and user who writed the message but I don't know how to print the name of the person who deleted the deleted message.

async def on_raw_message_delete(self, payload):
    channel =
    embed = nextcord.Embed(title="message deleted",
    description=f"Message deleted in <#{}>\n Message deleted by {}")


  • It is not part of the message delete payload, so you'll need to check the audit logs.

    You also may want to check the date of the entry since a user deleting their own message is not logged to audit logs.

    async def on_message_delete(self, message: nextcord.Message):
        async for entry in message.guild.audit_logs(action=nextcord.AuditLogAction.message_delete, limit=1):
            log = entry
        # if deleted more than a second ago, use the author instead
        deleter = log.user if ( - log.created_at).seconds > 1 else

    Note that this may be unreliable if you have messages deleted frequently in your guild.

    This is untested, but you can modify as needed.