Search code examples

Add new lookup column - customer return within 30 days

Context of the problem: When a customer purchased items at a grocery store on a given day, it is recorded as a row in the transaction table, I want to add a "lookup" column in the select statement to check if same customer have another transaction within 30 days. The "30 days" is current transaction date + 30, the new lookup column will add to the end of select *.

db.transaction:Customer_ID, Transaction_ID, Transaction Date

Query returns: Customer_ID, Transaction_ID, Transaction Date, **Return within 30 days (Yes/No)**

I thought the new lookup column could be a case expression but I don't know how to get the next available transaction date for the same customer and comparing with the transaction date in the current row.

   when datediff(day, transaction_date,  "next available date")<=30 then 'Yes
   else 'No'
end as 'return_within_30_days'

Thanks for any help! (I am using SQL Server)


  • Use LEAD to get a customer's next transaction. Your "next available date" translates to

    LEAD (transaction_date)
      OVER (PARTITION BY customer_id ORDER BY transaction_date)

    The complete query:

       when datediff(day, 
                     lead (transaction_date)
                       over (partition by customer_id order by transaction_date)
                    ) <= 30
       then 'YES'
       else 'NO'
      end as return_within_30_days
    from mytable
    order by customer_id, transaction_date;