I'm working on a Laravel app. I've created an enum like this:
namespace Domain\Order\Enums;
use Domain\Order\Models\Order;
enum OrderStatuses : string
case New = 'new';
case Pending = 'pending';
case Canceled = 'canceled';
case Paid = 'paid';
case PaymentFailed = 'payment-failed';
public function createOrderStatus(Order $order) : OrderStatus
return match($this) {
OrderStatuses::Pending => new PendingOrderStatus($order),
OrderStatuses::Canceled => new CanceledOrderStatus($order),
OrderStatuses::Paid => new PaidOrderStatus($order),
OrderStatuses::PaymentFailed => new PaymentFailedOrderStatus($order),
default => new NewOrderStatus($order)
In my order model I've got the following attribute:
protected function status(): Attribute
return new Attribute(
get: fn(string $value) =>
which as you can see receives some data and returns an Order status.
Now, I've got the following piece of code:
$order = Order::find($orderID);
$newOrder = match ($order->status) {
OrderStatuses::New => (new NewToPaidTransition)->execute($order),
NewOrderStatus::class => (new NewToPaidTransition)->execute($order),
'new' => (new NewToPaidTransition)->execute($order),
default => null,
but the value of $newOrder
is always null
, meaning the status is not being matched to any of the elements. There should be one single element there: NewOrderStatus::class
, I just added the others for debugging purposes.
If I inspect the value of $order->status
while running the debugger I'm getting that it is of type Domain\Order\Enums\NewOrderStatus
so why it is not being matched?
It looks like you are testing for equality between an instance of a class and a string of the class name.
$newOrder = match (get_class($order->status)) {
OrderStatuses::New => (new NewToPaidTransition)->execute($order),
NewOrderStatus::class => (new NewToPaidTransition)->execute($order),
'new' => (new NewToPaidTransition)->execute($order),
default => null,