So, tittle cover a lot of this. Mycode saving more than one item at one click. Lets say we saving recipe or prescription (you named it). It cover drugs that somebody needed. I want save it (items) in one click including Name of the drug store. And my problem is when at second loop (at detailed_drug) it got error, i need rollback first successfull drug at database.
"drug_store" : "DRG-2022070001",
"street" : "Mataram Street, Malioboro, Yogyakarta",
"date" : "28-12-2022 12:16:58",
"status" : "RECIPE",
"detailed_drug" : // here detailed_drug
"drug_id" : "ITM-00001",
"drug_name" : "acyclovir capsule",
"exp_date" : "2022-12-09",
"qty" : "2"
"drug_id" : "ITM-00001",
"drug_name" : "amiodarone tablet",
"exp_date" : "2022-10-19",
"qty" : "5"
(I already know how to save (drug store etc) but when got error (at detailed_drug) i want rollback previous successfull data at database)
$detailedRecipe= []; //for drugs or items.
$countDetail = $request->detailed; // lets pretend we have 2 drugs.
$data = new Recipe();
$data->drug_name = $request->drug_name;
$success = $data->save();
if(!$success) {
return response()->json(['success' => false,'message' => 'Error message ... ']);
Silly of me. I call wrong database name. DB::connection('database_A')
suppose to be DB::connection('database_B')