I try to make a diagonal over a section between 2 texts in HTML/CSS. I did a div with border for that. But I don't understand why the width of the html page enlarges when the body overflows the page bottom. May you please help me to fix it ? I would like the diagonal get the width of the body only. Thanks
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
html {
background-color: green;
body {
background-color: red;
body .diagonal {
border-top: 10vw solid blue;
border-right: 100vw solid purple;
<div class="diagonal"></div>
Why does the html enlarge the width on the right when the body overflows the bottom of the page? Thanks
<br>Try by adding some text line and scrool left
It's because you've set the border-right width as 100vw. Bizzarely the viewport width isn't, er, the viewport width when it's got a scollbar. Some info here with some suggested solutions.