I am successfully able to read back data from an instrument:
When the read back is a voltage, I typically read back values such as 5.34e-02
When the read back is frequency, I typically read values like 2.95e+04
or 1.49e+05
with units Hz.
I would like to convert the voltage read back of 5.34e-02
to exponent e-3 (aka millivolts), ie.. 53.4e-3
. next, I would like to extract the mantissa 53.4
out of this because I want all my data needs to be in milliVolts.
Similarly, I would like to convert all the frequency such as 2.95e+04
(or 1.49e+05
) to kiloHz, ie... 29.5e+03
or 149e+03
. Next would like to extract the mantissa 29.5
and 149
from this since all my data needs to be kHz.
Can someone suggest how to do this?
Well, to convert volts to millivolts, you multiply by 1000. To convert Hz to kHz, you divide by 1000.
>>> reading = 5.34e-02
>>> millivolts = reading * 1000
>>> print(millivolts)
>>> hz = 2.95e+04
>>> khz = hz /1000
>>> khz
OK, assuming your real goal is to keep the units the same but adjust the exponent to a multiple of 3, see if this meets your needs.
def convert(val):
if isinstance(val,int):
return str(val)
cvt = f"{val:3.2e}"
if 'e' not in cvt:
return cvt
# a will be #.##
# b will be -##
a,b = cvt.split('e')
exp = int(b)
if exp % 3 == 0:
return cvt
if exp % 3 == 1:
a = a[0]+a[2]+a[1]+a[3]
exp = abs(exp-1)
return f"{a}e{b[0]}{exp:02d}"
a = a[0]+a[2]+a[3]+a[1]
exp = abs(exp-2)
return f"{a}e{b[0]}{exp:02d}"
for val in (5.34e-01, 2.95e+03, 5.34e-02, 2.95e+04, 5.34e-03, 2.95e+06):
print( f"{val:3.2e} ->", convert(val) )
5.34e-01 -> 534.e-03
2.95e+03 -> 2.95e+03
5.34e-02 -> 53.4e-03
2.95e+04 -> 29.5e+03
5.34e-03 -> 5.34e-03
2.95e+06 -> 2.95e+06