Quite frequently, I'd like to retrieve only the first N
rows from a query, but I don't know in advance what N
will be. For example:
try(var stream = sql.selectFrom(JOB)
.fetchLazy()) {
// Now run as many jobs as we can in 10s
Now, without adding an arbitrary LIMIT clause, the PG query planner sometimes decides to do a painfully slow sequential table scan for such queries, AFAIK because it thinks I'm going to fetch every row in the result set. An arbitrary LIMIT kind of works for simple cases like this one, but I don't like it at all because:
large enough to not break your code can be hard. You don't want to be the next person who has to understand that code.So, how do I tell the query planner that I'm only going to fetch a few rows and getting the first row quickly is the priority here? Can this be achieved using the JDBC API/driver?
(Note: I'm not looking for server configuration tweaks that indirectly influence the query planner, like tinkering with random page costs, nor can I accept a workaround like set seq_scan=off
(Note 2: I'm using jOOQ in the example code for clarity, but under the hood this is just another PreparedStatement
, so AFAIK we can rule out wrong statement modes)
(Note 3: I'm not in autocommit mode)
PostgreSQL is smarter than you think. All you need to do is to set the fetch size of the java.sql.Statement
to a value different from 0 using the setFetchSize
method. Then the JDBC driver will create a cursor and fetch the result set in chunks. Any query planned that way will be optimized for fast fetching of the first 10% of the data (this is governed by the PostgreSQL parameter cursor_tuple_fraction
). Even if the query performs a sequential scan of a table, not all the rows have to be read: reading will stop as soon as no more result rows are fetched.
I have no idea how to use JDBC methods with your ORM, but there should be a way.