I am trying to setup a countdown timer that is reoccurring and goes every Sunday and counts down till 9:30am and then 11am...and I found the following code, but I can't seem to get it working. The HTML loads, but the JavaScript isn't...any ideas/help? It's a WP site and I just placed the JS in the JS section and then dropped the HTML...but nothing other than the HTML shows...
Sorry, don't have a lot of coding experience. Thank you so much--I really appreciate any help! (Code from @wssupport)
var curday;
var secTime;
var ticker;
function getSeconds() {
var nowDate = new Date();
var dy = 1 ; //Sunday through Saturday, 0 to 6
var countertime = new Date(nowDate.getFullYear(),nowDate.getMonth(),nowDate.getDate(),21,0,0); //20 out of 24 hours = 8pm
var curtime = nowDate.getTime(); //current time
var atime = countertime.getTime(); //countdown time
var diff = parseInt((atime - curtime)/1000);
if (diff > 0) { curday = dy - nowDate.getDay() }
else { curday = dy - nowDate.getDay() -1 } //after countdown time
if (curday < 0) { curday += 7; } //already after countdown time, switch to next week
if (diff <= 0) { diff += (86400 * 7) }
startTimer (diff);
function startTimer(secs) {
secTime = parseInt(secs);
ticker = setInterval("tick()",1000);
tick(); //initial count display
function tick() {
var secs = secTime;
if (secs>0) {
else {
getSeconds(); //start over
var days = Math.floor(secs/86400);
secs %= 86400;
var hours= Math.floor(secs/3600);
secs %= 3600;
var mins = Math.floor(secs/60);
secs %= 60;
//update the time display
document.getElementById("days").innerHTML = curday;
document.getElementById("hours").innerHTML = ((hours < 10 ) ? "0" : "" ) + hours;
document.getElementById("minutes").innerHTML = ( (mins < 10) ? "0" : "" ) + mins;
document.getElementById("seconds").innerHTML = ( (secs < 10) ? "0" : "" ) + secs;
Call getSeconds() function to start timer with body onload
<body onload="getSeconds();">
<h6>Live in <span class="days" id="days"></span><span class="smalltext"> days,</span>
<span class="hours" id="hours"></span><span class="smalltext"> hours,</span>
<span class="minutes" id="minutes"></span><span class="smalltext"> minutes</span>
You forgot the <span id="seconds"></span>
var secTime;
var ticker;
function getSeconds() {
var nowDate = new Date();
var dy = 1; //Sunday through Saturday, 0 to 6
var countertime = new Date(nowDate.getFullYear(), nowDate.getMonth(), nowDate.getDate(), 21, 0, 0); //20 out of 24 hours = 8pm
var curtime = nowDate.getTime(); //current time
var atime = countertime.getTime(); //countdown time
var diff = parseInt((atime - curtime) / 1000);
if (diff > 0) {
curday = dy - nowDate.getDay()
} else {
curday = dy - nowDate.getDay() - 1
} //after countdown time
if (curday < 0) {
curday += 7;
} //already after countdown time, switch to next week
if (diff <= 0) {
diff += (86400 * 7)
function startTimer(secs) {
secTime = parseInt(secs);
ticker = setInterval("tick()", 1000);
tick(); //initial count display
function tick() {
var secs = secTime;
if (secs > 0) {
} else {
getSeconds(); //start over
var days = Math.floor(secs / 86400);
secs %= 86400;
var hours = Math.floor(secs / 3600);
secs %= 3600;
var mins = Math.floor(secs / 60);
secs %= 60;
//update the time display
document.getElementById("days").innerHTML = curday;
document.getElementById("hours").innerHTML = ((hours < 10) ? "0" : "") + hours;
document.getElementById("minutes").innerHTML = ((mins < 10) ? "0" : "") + mins;
document.getElementById("seconds").innerHTML = ((secs < 10) ? "0" : "") + secs;
Call getSeconds() function to start timer with body onload
<body onload="getSeconds();">
<h6>Live in <span class="days" id="days"></span><span class="smalltext"> days,</span>
<span class="hours" id="hours"></span><span class="smalltext"> hours,</span>
<span class="minutes" id="minutes"></span><span class="smalltext"> minutes</span>
<span class="seconds" id="seconds"></span><span class="smalltext"> seconds</span>