I'm trying to install the Bioconductor package liftOver
using conda. I'm creating a conda environment using a .yml
file like this:
conda env create -f coo_environment.yml
When I do this, I get:
Collecting package metadata: done
Solving environment: failed
- bioconductor-liftover
The relevant contents of coo_environment.yml
are shown below
name: coo
- conda-forge
- bioconda
# R
- bioconductor-exomeCopy
- bioconductor-rtracklayer
- bioconductor-liftOver
Bioconductor has a liftOver
Workflow, but Bioconda does not package any of the Bioconductor Workflows. Such workflows are not supposed to introduce new functionality, but instead demonstrate how to work with a set of tools in the ecosystem. They can include additional data for convenient demonstrations.
In this case, the liftOver
reimplementation is provided as part of the rtracklayer
package, so the bioconductor-rtracklayer
is sufficient to provide that functionality.
You can access the function in R with
The liftOver
workflow also includes some example .chain
files. UCSC is the canonical source for these and can be found in the Downloads section of the website. In practice at our research group, reference files like this are kept in a centralized location, so I would load from that.
If you want to download the hg38 to hg19 file programmatically, I am unaware of any dedicated functionality for this, but other answers cover downloading and unzipping files in R (e.g., here or here).