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how to insert muti select to database

Look at my code snippet. i want to insert all values 1,2,3 to database i have color table and product table

These are My Tables

colors: | A header | Another header | | -------- | -------------- | | First | row | | Second | row |

product: | id| name| color_id| |---- |------| -----| | 1 | Phone| 1 | | 2 |Laptop| 2 |

in the product table How can i select more than one color to the product i tried to make this but it failed | id| name| color_id| |---- |------| -----| | 1 | Phone| 1 3 | | 2 |Laptop| 2 4 |

i want to give the product two colors because i want to show the colors the product is has using the code in ColorController

These are My Controllers


         class productColorController extends Controller {

           public function store(Request $request) {
     $colors = collect($request->color); // Here it gives the color are getting from the multi select you can see it in code snippet
         $color = productColor::create([ 
       'color' => $colors['color'], //  here i want to create all of the color are getting from request and save to database but when i try this i see only one color was saved to database
// The code to show all colors
$getcolor = productColor::where('id' , 1)->get(); // I Want To Show All Colors User selected in id 1

The conclusion of the question: when user selected multi colors i want to save it in database and show all the colors to admin

<select data-placeholder="Please Choose Color" multiple name="" class="select2 form-control">
                                        <optgroup label="Please Choose Color">
                                          <option value='black'>
                                           <option value='white'>
                                           <option value='gray'>
                                           <option value='blue'>


  • So you want a product to have more than one color? In this case you can build a pivot table. Basically it's an intermediate table between 2 tables and you can assign more than 1 color to your product in this case.

        Schema::create('color_product', function(Blueprint $table)

    In Product Model:

    public function colors()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Color::class);

    In color Model:

    public function products()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Product::class);

    To retrieve the relationships:


    $product = Product::first();

    More on documentation: