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Setup lunarvim to use prettier-eslint

I'm migrating to Lunarvim from Atom and I need to configure Lunarvim to use prettier-eslint for Javascript files.

Read lunarvim docs but not sure how to do it.


  • Solved with this custom LUA Config

    -- optional: set your prefered indent with size
    vim.opt.shiftwidth = 4
    vim.opt.tabstop = 4
    -- load required null-ls references
    local h = require("null-ls.helpers")
    local cmd_resolver = require("null-ls.helpers.command_resolver")
    local methods = require("null-ls.methods")
    local u = require("null-ls.utils")
    local FORMATTING = methods.internal.FORMATTING
    -- Define the new javascript formatter
    local pe = h.make_builtin({
      name = "prettier_eslint",
      meta = {
        url = "",
        description = "Eslint + Prettier",
      method = FORMATTING,
      filetypes = {
      factory = h.formatter_factory,
      generator_opts = {
        command = "prettier-eslint",
        args = { "--stdin", "--parser", "babel", "--resolve-plugins-relative-to", "~/.nvm/versions/node/v16.16.0/lib" },
        to_stdin = true,
    -- optional: Define a second formatter for JSON
    local pejson = h.make_builtin({
      name = "prettier_eslint_json",
      meta = {
        url = "",
        description = "Eslint + Prettier",
      method = FORMATTING,
      filetypes = {
      factory = h.formatter_factory,
      generator_opts = {
        command = "prettier-eslint",
        args = { "--stdin", "--parser", "json" },
        to_stdin = true,
    -- Enable the the defined formatters
    -- if you are using vanilla NeoVim + null-ls please
    -- read how to install/enable on
    local nls = require("null-ls")
    nls.setup {
      on_attach = require("lvim.lsp").common_on_attach,
      sources = {
    -- optional: LunarVim related step. Here we enable eslint as linter for Javascript.
    local linters = require "lvim.lsp.null-ls.linters"
    linters.setup {
        command = "eslint",
        filetypes = { "javascript" }

    Full tutorial here