I was wondering about bullets/guns in my bullet hell type game. In this game, there will be a shop that you can collect coins for and buy different types of guns and upgrades. I was wondering if I should create a class for each of these guns, or create one class and then add the different types of guns and upgrades as functions of the class.
I would suggest you to create a Gun class and then extend it for different type of guns / guns. That way you will have a greater control and flexibility over different type of guns. A change in how snipers will work should not affect how pistols work.
In your case, the upgrades on snipers will be different from a pistol, a sniper upgrade won't be applied on a pistol. Right ?
class Gun:
Add global gun properties here
mag_capacity: int = 0
shoot_range: int = 0
mode: str = None
ammo: int = 0
def fire(self):
Sample fire implementation, can check if ammo is not none, if ammo is > 0 , then reduce ammo etc
def reload(self):
Sample reload capability
def equip_compensator(self):
This will be implemented by children classes
raise NotImplementedError()
def equip_suppressor(self):
This will be implemented by children classes
raise NotImplementedError()
Now you can extend this Gun, to create different type of Guns.
class Sniper(Gun):
is_suppressor_equipped: bool = False
def equip_suppressor(self):
Implementation to equip suppressor
class Rifle(Gun):
mode: str = MODES.BURST
is_compensator_equipped: bool = False
def equip_compensator(self):
Implmentation of equipping compensator
class Pistol(Gun):
mode: str = MODES.MULTI_SHOT
is_silencer_quipped: bool = False
<required functionalities here>
This is just an example of how I would suggest you to decouple your entities to have a greater control and flexibility. Take the answer with a pinch of salt.