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how to dynamic select today date in cypress.command()?

I have a command where I can enter a specific date for start date, please see below a part of the command I am using.


and when I am calling it in the test I need to enter a dynamic date like today <=(+30 days)

cy.create123((new Date().getDate() - 1), '2023-08-07')

ofc it did not work, but I have no idea how can I do it. How I can setup to cy.command to get always today-1 as startDate!

My issue is to make the dynamic enter date to work on Cypress.Commands()


  • TLDR

    Install dayjs and use

    const startDate = dayjs().add(-1, 'day').format('YYYY-MM-DD')
    cy.create123(startDate, '2023-08-07')

    The Custom Command and the cy.request() inside it are expecting the date as a string type.

    Your calculated dynamic date (new Date().getDate() - 1) is giving you a number type.

    But .toISOString() only works on Date types, not number types.

    So after doing math on the Date(), you get a number which must be converted into a Date and then into a string.

    const today = new Date()
    const yesterday = new Date(today.setDate(today.getDate() -1))
    const startDate = yesterday.toISOString()

    But even that's not the end of the problems, because the timezone might give you invalid dates.

    I recommend using dayjs as shown above.