Let's say we have a team variable, but we also have a time period 1 and a time period 2 variable, and a numeric grade 1-10. I want to mutate and add a variable that calculates the difference from time period 1 to time period 2.
How do I do this?
Visually the table looks like this: img
There is a neat function in the data.table package called dcast( ) that allows you to transform your data from long to wide. In this case, you can use the Period variable to create 2 new columns, Period 1 and Period 2, where the values are the Grades.
> data <- data.table(
+ Team = c("Team 1","Team 1","Team 2","Team 2","Team 3","Team 3"),
+ Period = c("Period 1","Period 2","Period 1","Period 2","Period 1","Period 2"),
+ Grade = c(75,87,42,35,10,95))
> data
Team Period Grade
1: Team 1 Period 1 75
2: Team 1 Period 2 87
3: Team 2 Period 1 42
4: Team 2 Period 2 35
5: Team 3 Period 1 10
6: Team 3 Period 2 95
> data2 <- dcast(
+ data = data,
+ Team ~ Period,
+ value.var = "Grade")
> data2
Team Period 1 Period 2
1: Team 1 75 87
2: Team 2 42 35
3: Team 3 10 95
> data2 <- data2[,Difference := `Period 2` - `Period 1`]
> data2
Team Period 1 Period 2 Difference
1: Team 1 75 87 12
2: Team 2 42 35 -7
3: Team 3 10 95 85