I have below command:
ExpirationDate=$(date -d '+60 days' +'%Y-%m-%d')
getapp=$(az keyvault secret list --vault-name $VaultName --query "[].{SecretName:name,ExpiryDate:attributes.expires} [?ExpiryDate<='$ExpirationDate']" | jq '.[].SecretName' | tr -d '"')
getserviceprincipal=$(az keyvault secret list --vault-name $VaultName --query "[].{Type:contentType,ExpiryDate:attributes.expires} [?ExpiryDate<='$ExpirationDate']" | jq '.[].Type' | tr -d '"')
## get length of $distro array
## Use bash for loop
for (( i=0; i-le$len-1; i++ ))
echo "${getapp[$i]}"
./resetpassword.sh -a ${getapp[$i]} -s ${getserviceprincipal[$i]} -y
echo "${getserviceprincipal[$i]}"
in this command I want store all value of vault name getapp and similarly getserviceprincipal. Example If I have more then 2 vault in getapp variable then script is not working due to $getapp is not storing variable in array.
Is anyone help me to put out this simple solutions!! Thanks In Advance..
readarray -t getapp < <( az keyvault ... | tr -d '"' )
should do the trick here.
Note that this requires newlines to be valid delimiters. If there can be newlines in your data then you'll have to pick a different delimiter with the -d delim
option. If there isn't any single delimiter that works everywhere then bash may not be the best choice for this.