with aiohttp I would like to create a GET endpoint, where in the url is entered the id I need and also a querystring, I would like that retrieve the image in the db document_id
and also the format, querystring type
# app/http/routes/v1/variation.py
routes = [
get(f"/{version}/{path}/download/{{document_id}}/{{type}}", readvariationController.handle)
# app/http/routes/v1/__init__.py
from app.http.routes.v1.variation import routes as variation_routes
routes = variation_routes
# __main__
app = web.Application()
I have no problem with other "simpler" endpoints, but I can't get a more complex endpoint to work, what am I doing wrong?
It returns an error 405
EDIT: What I would like to have is this
Ok solved:
self.__request: Request = request
# get document_id
self.__request.match_info.get("document_id", None)
# and finally get querystring